Bathhouses Or Spa

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Being shy being nude at the bath house

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Well I was shy as akid and did not want anyone to see my cock. Going to the bathhouse why hideyour cock why do people keep cover up when you are going there to have sex. Let here your stories

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RE: Being shy being nude at the bath house

I have asked myself why so many guys at a bathhouse wear underwear even in the areas where nudity is allowed, some of them even shower in their underwear when it's all gay or bi or curious men there that have the same equipment. For some it could be they don't want to show their junk because it is small, but who cares as long as it works? I wish I was bigger, but I love to let it all hang-out whenever possible!I even got in trouble in the sauna at the YMCA the other day because I wasn't covered up! I guess that some of the difference is that here and on TN we are all nudists but not all the guys at the BH are nudists.....but I still don't understand why they are so shy since it is all bi, gay or curious men and the only way to "hook-up" at the BH is to show yourself naked!

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RE: Being shy being nude at the bath house

I love to masturbate naked and openly at the BH where anyone can see and join. Steam room is always fun.

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RE: Being shy being nude at the bath house

I have a pretty long history of going to bathhouses and when I first started going I followed the crowd, which was to wear towel tightly cinched at the waist except in the shower or steam room. I was also pretty much limited to sex in private (room, dark room). Over the years I realized the joys of showing more, so I would start carrying my towel in front when wandering the halls. Now I am a confirmed nudist (except for the occasional fetish gear), so I leave my towel in my locker, and wander around with a boner if it suits me, wearing a cockring or other jewelry.
It depends on the kind of sex I'm looking for. You can join a scene in progress with no fumbling, and nobody is confused about what you're there for.

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RE: Being shy being nude at the bath house

I have done that too, spent a lot of time in a room with chairs facing a TV with porn vids in bath houses in DC, Milwaukee and other places. I especially like doing that if the place isn't very busy. Even then, generally someone will sit so they can watch me openly stroking my cock, or they may even join me. One guy in DC watched me for a while, pulled his out and we watched each other across the aisle, then he came over and we had a little sword fight while another guy watched us. Later I got him to shoot a load in the steam room. Sometimes that's as much fun for me as the usual cock sucking and fucking.

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RE: Being shy being nude at the bath house

Im with you. I love just being naked at the bath house. Dont care if I am erect or soft. No towel required. I like having other guys watch me. It feels good to get an erection stroking myself in the video room, sauna or steam room. I enjoy wandering the halls and appreciate guys who leave their door open for my viewing pleasure. I like the dark maze and feeling my way through and honestly, a towel just gets in the way. After all, there is no one there who hasnt seen a naked guy before.

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RE:Being shy being nude at the bath house

Im with you. Love playing with others in open areas. Dont care who watches. In fact if someone invites me to their room, I lead them to a common area. The more people around, the better

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RE:Being shy being nude at the bath house

it is always better to be seen nude in any bathhouse or spa. I am tall, slim & well endowed. I enjoyed being seen nude at school in the showers & on the beach too. It is nice to be appreciated. It is great to masturbate openly in good company & see others get horny too. Fun in public areas is far better than private, with what ever gender one chooses to play. Enjoy.

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RE:Being shy being nude at the bath house

I am always nude at the Club Fort Lauderdale, being it working out in the gym, out at the pool, in the sauna or steam room or walking the halls I rarely have a towel around my waist. If I have a towel at all, it is over my shoulder. As the old saying goes "it pays to advertise"

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RE:Being shy being nude at the bath house

I have been a nudist for many years and enjoy being nude in the locker room at the gym. I stay nude for as long as possible.

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RE:Being shy being nude at the bath house

I'm with you. Why bother to cover up. Isn't being naked and being seen what everyone is there for. We all like seeing others completely naked. Others will probably enjoy seeing us that way. Don't even use a towel to cover an erection.

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