All Of The Things You Can Do With A

Ok let's try this again - So this group is for guys & girls. All the fun you had with a penis

I'm curious if anyone ever does what I do? . . . I wear shorts in the summer (in public, don't ya know) and am always commando. I also always take the time to cut my right front pocket completely out before dawning my shorts. I love walking around and having access to my cock . . . just to hold on (I know, weird huh?). Folks who would see me merely think I just have my right hand in my pocket. Anyone ever do this or anything similar? jy

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RE: Hole in pocket

I've done it with my trousers. It's fun playing with my bits while chatting to someone in the pub.

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RE: Hole in pocket

I've gotta get bold and cut the trouser pockets out (long pants) have done it to all my shorts . . . just hesitant to give up pocket space on me long pants for some reason? . . . oh well, I'll try one pair . . . I love reaching in and fondling arbitrarily . .. where ever I am or whatever I'm doing. Gonna miss summer and shorts though . . .

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RE: Hole in pocket

I have a dedicated jeans for the purpose which has holes in the pocket. Whenever I feel like playing in public, i wear the jeans. and I can access my cock and balls anytime I want , in public. Its so fun when I get a look from people around me who sometimes find me massaging my cock with my hand through pocket ;)

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RE: Hole in pocket

Hey! Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to do that to a pair of my shorts right now. I'm always looking for another opportunity to be playing with my cock.

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RE: Hole in pocket

Not done it for years, but you reminded me now have made the necessary adjustments to my pockets

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RE: Hole in pocket

Hmmmm this has opportunities, gonna try it;o)

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RE: Hole in pocket

I just learned lately, that it is very important . . . that you cut the pocket completely all the way out . . . leaving only 1/4 inch of material when your done. I cut one pair of my newly purchased shorts in the right pocket this summer, left the material about 2 inches so you could still consider the pocket cut out . . . then one eve, I'm walking around a party at a friends house . . . playing with me pecker thru most convos . . . when some lass asks . . . . . . and I looked down to notice my wrist had apparently brought the material outward when I removed it at some point . .. and another buddy of mine notices . . . . . . and I laughed and told them the story of my right side pocket . . . good laugh I admit, but I'd have preferred I didn't tell it under those circumstances . . .ha! jy

ps: I suspect those blokes who heard my story that eve have now taken up cutting their pockets out as well . . . ;-)

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RE: Hole in pocket

Cutting out the left pocket gives easier access.Well observed. For some and possible most . . . this is advance from the tenderest hand. My right hand is not only the most sensitive hand of 3 I possess . . . but it my dear good sir . . . the strongest.

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RE: Hole in pocket

Your right hand is for holding your beer. Your left hand is forfondling your cock & balls. So cut out the left pocket when you go out for a drink..

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