Adult Bookstores

For men who enjoy visiting adult bookstores from time to time

anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

I do... always!

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

I have gone bareass at the bookstore in the past. When I have done it I was EXTREMELY horny and just needed to show that.

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

Always Commando at book stores and the shorts or jeans I wear in have hole all over, so things just show and fall out, often times I strip naked in the booths and let anyone look and a select few join in. Have sucked, been sucked and fuked many guys in them over the years. In 1996 in one near Gary Indiana off highway 20, walked from one booth to another naked, and all looked and turned into hours of fun

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

There was a good adult book store in downtown Sioux City IA that I used to go to when I was working on a multi-month project in the area. In addition to the magazines and videos for sale out front, they had a little maze with movie booths in back, and they also had plain booths with management-supplied glory holes, something I've seen only rarely (but made good use of a few times).
For an extra 5 bucks you could go into a small theater with 8 or 10 seats facing a big-screen TV. Tuesdays were male movie nights, and I'm afraid I got to be kind of a regular. Most Tuesdays it was pretty empty, but one summer night a guy was naked, moving from seat to seat giving blow jobs (maybe that was a Friday night in summer, can't quite remember) and two others were stand-up fucking down in front, so you just never knew what would happen. I loved to sit in the seats and jack my cock to the films, seeing who'd come in and look over at me, maybe join me. A couple of times I got completely naked for it, but mostly it was just my pants open or shorts down at my ankles.
A while ago I was looking at videos on xTube, and as I like exhibitionist or public nudity vids, I was looking at some of those search results. A guy had a couple of videos of himself completely naked and jacking off in a porn theater. Part way through the first video the guy panned the camera around to show that he was naked in this theater, and I was astounded to see that it was my old Sioux City haunt. He even put the camcorder on top of the big TV cabinet and sat in the seats and jacked off. The second time he had a friend or another theater patron do the taping as he got naked and jacked off onto his own feet, and I could see the big TV in the background.
That brought back some fun memories. I should look it up to see if it's still open - I suspect it probably is. It was a pretty well-used business. I'd love to find a way to get back there some time and see what it's like.

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

Sure! I always try to go on a busy night. I go into a booth and leave the door open just a little and then I start to strip. I usually have some company in no time.

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

i do once inside. like to see others there the same way.

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just like to drop my pants, but several times I have stripped completely naked. One time I set it up with a guy I met online to meet me there and I told him I wanted to get completely naked in a booth. When he saw me do it, he got naked too and we fucked.

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

I never wear any panties when I go to the Adult bookstore - with a short skirt so when I bend over I give everybody a show
That is awesome wish we lived closer to you guys..

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

Every once in a while it's hot to be named at a key hole

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RE: anyone else go bareass when at the bookstore?

I did a few times in the past... But, I am way more cautious these days if I venture to a porno place.
Not to be a "downer" about it, but, in the city where I live, Seattle, there are very prudish laws regarding porn arcades. Most of the porn theatres and arcades have been closed down or pushed out to the suburbs, due to high rents and gentrification. You never know if the local cops will do a "walk-through", looking to catch "offenders". And, now a days, there are almost always crystal-meth-heads, and junkies hanging out at theses places, frantically figgiting around, making a ruckus, or dead asleep, snoring, and not adding anything of value to what could be an awesome sexual ambiance... Believe me, they steal stuff to pay for their "fixes".
Also, it is the law in Washington State, that you must always carry an ID card, so therefore, most likely a wallet. Years ago, I was stupid enough to have my wallet in my Levi's back pocket, on a very busy night at an ABS, and was "pick-pocketed"... UGH!... Luckily, I was smart enough to not have my credit cards in it at the time, so I only lost my wallet and drivers license/ID card.
I would be very weary of getting totally naked, and leaving my clothing in a heap on a chair at these places, at least in urban ABS's. Keep in mind that bedbugs and other critters currently run rampant in USA cities... Not a good thing to take home with you!
And, I would never go barefoot in one!... Most of the arcades are rarely mopped out, and are covered in days old splooge, used condoms, and even used "junkie" hypodermic needles... One night, I came home and found a bent, used needle stuck into the sole of my sandal!... Be very aware of that... ABS's and porn theatres can be a lot of fun, but, they aren't always "safe".
I guess all that is a "downer"... But, I must admit that some of the hottest, most memorable, mutual JO sessions that I have had, were in filthy, adult bookstores/arcades, and porno theatres.

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