CMNM Clothed Male Naked Male

For those who like to be the only one in the room nude while other men are clothed. Ideally it is for people that want to meet. Don't be shy, perhaps you travel on business and want to have someone to come over and watch a movie or have a drink while you are naked. It doesn't always have to do with sex, but it is sexual in nature. Perhaps you are a hung straight guy who likes to show off...

CMNM -- which do you prefer?

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Although I greatly prefer having everyone nude, I also very much enjoy being the only nude person in a group. Along those same lines, I find it a bit awkward when there is one clothed person among a group of people who are nude.

Being the only nude person feels like I'm the only one who is comfortable enough in his own skin to not be concerned about who may see what -- the only person with adequate personal freedom and self-acceptance.

I assume that any member of this group must enjoy CMNM (or, why would you be here). Which do you prefer? Being the clothing male or the naked male?

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RE:CMNM -- which do you prefer?

Only one nude! As others said, it just makes me feel really naked - a feeling I like and enjoy!

I have been part of an arranged situation, where only one man was clothed. Turned out to be fun! A willing non-nudist friend arrived at my tri-level home where the garage is located on the bottom level with a door into the house where you immediately go up a set of stairs. My friend usually sees me nude, but this particular day - I wore a jockstrap. Meanwhile, a nudist/exhibitionist friend arrived to my house later. He was instructed to come into the garage, put the door down, strip off all of his clothes and come up the stairs meeting my textile friend (whom he had never met) totally nude. It was rather fun, hearing the garage door go down, door open, trip up the steps, and there was my nudist friend (totally nude and hard btw) greeting/meeting my non-nudist friend. I couldn't keep my jock on for much longer, so off it came while my nudist friend and I proceeded to masturbate in front of of my non-nudist friend for about 90 minutes! Everyone had a GREAT time!

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RE:CMNM -- which do you prefer?

While is definitely being naked with a group of other naked men. But I discovered CMNM as a freshman in college when I became the live-in naked houseboy for a gay couple in their mid-40s.

I went to the University of Miami (FL), in the early and mid 1970s. I met them in the dunes at Crandon Park. I was their houseboy for 3 years. I cleaned their home and pool; I mowed their backyard; I did their laundry; and I served their dinner and party quests all while being naked.

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RE:CMNM -- which do you prefer?

Definitely the nude male. Especially if the clothed men are in suits and ties

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RE:CMNM -- which do you prefer?

Definitely the nude male. Especially if the clothed men are in suits and ties

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RE:CMNM -- which do you prefer?

I prefer to be naked in front of Others

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