Arizona Gay And Bi Men

Absolutely no PRIVATE PROFILES and No Profiles without Pictures of You !!! . This is a group for AZ gay and bi nudist men to meet, and hopefully get together for fun of all types.So if you live in AZ, or winter here or visit frequently we hope you'll join the group. We enjoy hosting, private back yard with pool. We would also hope some of you would like to host too. It would be a good forum...

Nude camping trips

I was thinking since rain is going on up north. They are starting to open up the national forests again. Maybe its time to go camping. Ive had a vote for August 19 through the 24th so far. Anybody else want to Chime in on that weekend or others that...

Hello Guys

06-06-2021 After reviewing all the members of the group we had to remove quite a few. Those of you that have removed your pictures and have made your profiles private since becoming members have now been deleted. The group only has a couple of rules...

Hello Everyone

How is everyone holding up with the social distancing?? Getting pretty bored here, although there is always something to do around the house and yard. We're very lucky to have a pool so we enjoy that on a daily basis. Any suggestions for some...

Hello Guys

We wanted to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season!! We hope 2021 will be better for all of us!! Mark and Dan

Hello Guys

Would love to go North for a day trip or overnight. Get out of the heat, see something different do some easy naked hiking/exploring near some water... Any recommendations? Anyone like to join us? Outside secluded area where we're not on top of...

Would like your imput

Hi Guys, This group is not doing so well... We try to host parties and get togethers but don't get much of a response...? Does anyone have any ideas of how to improve the group? Ideas for some naked get togethers? We started the group so that we...

So...What's New?

It's been a while since we talked about anything, what has been your experience since AZ has "opened up"? Has it been good, bad or has it made no differnce in the way you are living your life during Covid-19? We personally haven't...

Work out

Hi Guys... so what's everyone else doing since all the gyms are closed...? I'm doing some walking in a park by our house would anyone like to get together for some naked exercise? Maybe a hike at Sycamore...or several? Any other ideas for...

Naked Party

Hi Guys, We've got the details for the naked party figured out now. Saturday January 11th at 3pm. We ask that you bring a towel to sit on We will provide water, softdrinks, maybe some beer and wine, BYOB We will provide some food and ask that...

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Nude hike Arizona

Hi. Any guys that would be interested. Am going to Sycamore Creek nude hike or Verde River hot springs this week any one interested let me know. Mike