Airbnb And Accommodation For Nudist

PLEASE READ THE GROUP RULES. Group for all those men who want to share a place in their home with other nudist men, and for all those in search of a room or accommodation for their vacations. Feel free to create a new topic with your listing on Airbnb. Would be good if you try to follow this format on the title of the topic: City - Country type of accommodation.

The restrictions should relax soon and then I hope I can host some naked friends in Montreal!

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I am planning on participating in the World Naked Bike Ride July 17. I did it for the first time in 2019. It was cold (By my Florida standards), windy and rainy. I still enjoyed it. It was my first visit ever to Montreal. Loved it!

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Hi, yes. I was going to go to France next month but...
You know, US restrictions on being able to go back. So I'm seriously thinking of Montreal, never been before.

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