RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I am circumcised. But when me son was born, I wanted him uncut. My ex-wife and nurse, however; told me I didn't have a choice. She was the mother and it was she would decide. I am very liberal in my views. I did go with him to have the procedure. I cringed and felt his pain, as his foreskin was removed. It was I who administered the salve to his cock. I kept up on it. I didn't want him to be neglected. And I wanted him to be proud of his penis. Looking back now, I guess, I would have had him cut. There are benefits to uncut, but its the sanitary that wins-me-over!

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Uncut. Let him decide for himself when he is older.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

There are benefits to uncut, but its the sanitary that wins-me-over!That is American bullshit, purveyed by the Doc for a quick buck. Us Europeans are mostly uncut and there is no sanitary problem.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Absolutely NOT!... Knives and cocks shouldn't even be associated in the same sentence!... :)

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I am cut and years ago I would like my son to look like me and I liked the look of a cut penis, and have him look like daddy. But now I would have him uncut because you have more to play with and you have more feeling being uncut. what do you think you would do?NO,I WOULD LEAVE HIM NATURAL ,SO ,YES, He could FEEL ALL THE SENSITIVITY HE SHOULD/of course I or a dctr would show him how to clean his foreskin correctly for health

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I totally agree, I had my sons cut, but now I would not as I think how much I am missing and really wish I was not cut. I envy those who are not cut.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I would have preferred the chance to make my own decision for myself but my parents made it for me. I wish I had the choice but I chose to have my son circumcised as my ex wanted it as well.If I had the choice again I would say no let it alone I wish I had my foreskin the way it was intended.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Well said. I agree with every word. The medics should find a more honest way to earn their money.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Leave him uncut, it looks better, it is no problem keeping clean,its much nicer.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

There are benefits to uncut, but its the sanitary thatwins-me-over!
That is American bullshit, purveyed by the Doc for a quick buck. Us
Europeans are mostly uncut and there is no sanitary

I looked up some statistics. World wide about one third of men are
circumcised. The website quoted robust data sources with the
following results. The proportion of circumcised men are: in USA
79% (88% amongst non-Hispanic white males); Canada 50%, Mexico 10
to 30%; UK 16%; Australia 59%; New Zealand 40% Sub Saharan Africa
62%; Brazil and Columbia 7%; Spain 2%; Finland and Denmark 1 to 2%;
China 20%. So the USA has easily the highest circumcision rate of
the countries above and 2.4 times the word-wide average. The circumcisions were done at birth, depriving the growing male of any choice in the matter later in life.

Looked at another way: over 4 out of 5 UK men still have their
foreskins whereas nearly 4 out of 5 American men have lost
theirs. A

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