RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I have two sons in their forties , neither are cut . Why mutilate a child unable to argue his own case ? Had they wished to be circumcised they have had every opportunity to get it done themselves .

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Religion? - Wow, as long as one assumes the child too young to decide which religion he wants to follow, no one should give away any body parts to any god whatsoever.^-------THIS for the win!!!!!

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I am cut and years ago I would like my son to look like me and I liked the look of a cut penis, and have him look like daddy. But now I would have him uncut because you have more to play with and you have more feeling being uncut. what do you think you would do?I am uncircumcised and very happy about it. If I had a son, I would leave him uncircumcised. Then, his decision if at some time he wanted to be circumcised.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

same here, unfortunately cut and restoring but left my son to make his own decision and so far he has left his alone.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Has anybody of you heard of the German site cuttingclub dot de, and what do you think of it?Yes, and I think very negative of it, disgusting and even dangerous are the words that fall to my mind spontaneously. (Please don't stress it's German, it makes me feel ashamed.)I don't know if they mean what they say, but there is (or at least was when I looked in there years ago) a "doctor's q-and-a" where someone asks if he should get cut because his boyfriend who is cut likes it better. Answer: Oh, it's just a little flab of skin, and if you really love him, removing that little tissue should not be an issue.Then they have this little "cutting stars" section where they present cock shots of celebs, celebrating their un-intact status - but not spending a second thought on why these guys have been damaged, which was probably as usual no a willful choice.
Seems to me like a site made by a bunch of guys who are are uncontent with their state, and as they can't change it, trying to compensate that by glorifiying it.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Finally, just this week (how timely) the Center for Disease Control announced it endorses Circumcision for Health Reasons. For those interested in reading about the CDC's endorsementlook here --] demonstrated that circumcision reduces HIV infection risk by 50 percent to 60 percent, the CDC guidelines note. The procedure also reduces by 30 percent the risk of contracting herpes and human papilloma virus (HPV),Oh, great. 50 % less risk. So that means you can hump around unprotected double as much until you finally catch your HIV.This surely is a benefit that balances the fact that you lose far more than half of your nerve endings of your penis.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

The CDC statement says nothing about advantages of being intact--including sexual function and pleasure. I would guess that the statement was issued by doctors who have no recollection of having a foreskin themselves. This should be taken into consideration when thinking about this statement.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Uncut,Leave him as he is. It looks much more attractive and natural.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I am uncut and I highly recommend circumsion. It is a lot cleaner and I wish the head of my cock wasn't quite as sensative.Sometimes I cum too early.

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RE: If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I'm restoring myself now because of lost sensitivity an now my sensitivity is off the chart.Most women make the call on their newborn babies.....what do they know about it?Let them be the way nature an God intended them to be! Take care!

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