Hi all

Always and whenever possible, it's a must. Love the hard boners here.....

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RE: Hi all

Nice to meet you all...

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RE: Hi all


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RE:Hi all

Nude beaches are of course the best since you can see a wide array of bodies. Any type that excites you. Some nude beaches don't like open erections so I stay on my back just about to where I am at peak erection then turn over on my tummy and get some sun in my butt. I love the nude resorts in Palm Springs. Again, a wide array of nude bodies, but all male and all gay or bi. Beautiful to feel the warmth of the sun all over my nude body and then enjoy another man's erection in the pool or hot tub. I remember one time in Palm Springs a man had come into my room about 2 am and had fucked me most of the night. The next day he was in the pool and I got on a float next to his and started sucking him. The bell rang and prospective new guests wanted to come in and look. The owner came out and said "keep sucking, keep sucking" while he allowed the prospective guests in. Then of course, there is that one spot in my back yard where I can be totally nude. Any neighbor would have to make a real effort in order to see me nude there. Nothing makes me feel better than to be in the sun nude. Alone is good. With others is better..

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RE:Hi all

RE: Hi all .. I agree.. however I can sun screen and be out and about most of the day and be tan , just doing normal things like yard work..or anything outside (I am on 6 acres) just cant have guests.. I did have the opportunity this past week to go for the first time to a clothing optional resort, I was very comfortable nude ( and already tan) And you are right about alone is ok others is much more fun! , really enjoyed interacting with others nude .

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