panties at home

I love it when my partner leaves her panties at home when we go out, especially wearing a thin sun dress where if you look really hard you can make out her labia from behind when the sun is at the right angle.

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RE:panties at home

My ex-wife used to wear a peasant style kaftan made from unbleached muslin without anything underneath. Lots of side-boob views including some of the whole breast including nipple. When the sun was right it was dang near transparent. Details were a bit fuzzy (no pun intended) but it was more than obvious that she had nothing on underneath.

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RE:panties at home

Nice, any "wardrobe malfunctions?"

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RE:panties at home

This reminds me of a girl I lived with when I was in my 20s in Spain. We werent a couple , just flatmates but used to hang out all the time. One day we were out and ended up having a few drinks by the beach. After a while we decided we needed a swim but didnt have our swimwear so just stripped to our underwear and played in the sea for a while. When we came out we got dressed but left out wet underwear in a bag so were both commando. I was wearing shorts but she had a short denim skirt and it turned me on so much that she was nude underneath. She didnt realise quite how short her skirt was from behind and I got frequent views of her peachy cheeks! When we got back to the flat we had a few more drinks and by now she had forgotten about being commando under her skirt. She was sitting cross legged on a sofa and I had a perfect view of everything! I couldnt stop looking. Eventually I just had to say something so laughing I said that she was showing me quite a lot of herself. Thats when she told me that she knew and said dont you like it? Quite an invitation that I didnt resist!

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