I love masturbating

I do love masturbating, and i do everyday. I wish i had started earlier, but i just did it for the first time when i was around 12. The earlier, the best, I am at skp and would be nice to meet buddies to chat about this practice [email protected]. Let me know u r from the group

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RE:I love masturbating

Hi, I do it every day as well, pretty much always have. I started maybe a little later at 13, but it still feels great. It's like a stress relief and getting out some energy. :)

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RE:I love masturbating

Hey man, would love to group masturbate, my Skype name is tryagain70

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RE:I love masturbating

Great stress release; hardly a day goes by

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RE:I love masturbating

I would agree and had similar experiences. I didn't get the "full idea" until I was about 13, but I had known that it "felt good" to touch, play, and explore a little before that. I too slept naked and under the sheets because I liked that soft touch everywhere and it was very stimulating. Since then, I've been enjoying pretty much every day and never really looked back. :)

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RE:I love masturbating

Id jerked a couple of years and knew at some point Id start to cum. I well remember the first time a few drops came out and how excited I was. That was almost 60 years ago. Now after prostate operations I dont cum but still love pleasuring myself and enjoying other sensations

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