I Would Jump to The Moon to Meet Wyosis.

Dear Judy,
My # 1 Fantasy is an FMF. I had my First MFM 3 weeks ago. I would Walk on Barbed wire for 10 Miles Too have you Be The First or The Second F On My FMF.
Karl Phil.

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RE:I Would Jump to The Moon to Meet Wyosis.

Dear Judy,My # 1 Fantasy is an FMF. I had my First MFM 3 weeks ago. I would Walk on Barbed wire for 10 Miles Too have you Be The First or The Second F On My FMF.Karl Phil.

I know you are taking poetic license and the metaphors are not representative of reality but... (and I don't think they're the kind at all) I have seen plenty requests for potentially injury filled sadomasochist fantasies realized and enforcement to the limit or over as a lesson in careful asking for hardcore sex trials and the unhappy guys and gals who are lucky to have such creative and quick draw masters buddies or sex dates... I for one would be hard pressed to make sure there was no barbed wire shoe trial because it is beautifully sick and twisted to have a guy do for any reason but a beautiful woman's attention top of the list. I would never in reality but I don't have a really strong mean streak. She's indeed a very beautiful woman and so kind in the interactions with her I have had here. I can imagine that very few men are not in the same way interested and eager. I have no doubt that she is not shy or inhibited about asking for help or her partner the same and me being a big submissive I am not asking for anything but Idon't always succeed there either... sometimes you just get hungry and pussy stupid lol. Just hope you are lucky and have that wish granted one day at least the no barbed wire part

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