RE:Bondage fantasies

I dream of being in bondage and gangbanged bareback while a group of others are watching. They take turns fucking me till my ass is completely full with their load.

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RE:Bondage fantasies

Never been evolved in bondage but I am submissive and would love to be introduced and trained to be a bondage cum slut whore!

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RE:Bondage fantasies

A fantasy that I proposed to a Pro Domme one time went like this:

I would be nude, bound spreadeagle standing up, a cock cage or gates of hell installed on me, with one end of a rope tied to that. A female sub would then be stripped nude and bound to me face to face., hand to hand, foot to foot, with a strap cinched tight around our waists, so my cock was between her legs. then the end of the rope attached to my cage then tied tight, high to a wall behind her.

Then the Domme would then flog or tease us resulting in all kinds of interesting interactions between us, with the objective of one or both of us to cum.

Alas, we were unable to put that scenario together. perhaps someday...

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RE:Bondage fantasies

oh how I would love for you to be my bondage princess

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RE:Bondage fantasies

Would love exploring that together. Bound rough kinky nasty sensual surrendering to the pig demon in each other and whoever is interested in joining. I have essentially decided that I am not interested in guys under 65 because mature men are the sexiest and sluttiest and there is the reason for anything and everything. Wanna know what you want deep down. I get the impression it's transgressive and that's hot. All yours in return for the same should you want.

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RE:Bondage fantasies

Is it really forced if you want it?A girl I grew up with, next door neighbor was older than me. She turned 15 when I was 12.She would often babysit me as my parents liked to go out and party sometimes for the weekend. Her mom never payed any attention to us.Pam would have a few of her friends over and theyd do things to me, harmless things like get me naked and tickle me.I came over naked once, knocked on the door, Her mom let me in and laughed a little.Asked where were my clothes, Id say I dont know. Shed go back to watching tv.Pam came out of her room and gave me a good bare handed spanking right in front of her mother.Mom never said a word,Pam learned then I liked the spanking and showing off.That day she tied me up on her bed with panty hose then started calling her friends.Next thing I know I have nipple clamps on me. They hurt some. And she for the first time is softly stoking my penis just a little to get me hard. I was very hard.Then two of her girl friends walked in. Next came another girl and her boyfriend.Then another guy.So I had four girls and two guys staring at me.I was super embarrassed as she put a hair tie around my balls, it was kinda tight.I almost panicked and yelled for her mother but didnt.Pam was sitting on the bed slow stroking me while telling me all the things I was gonna have done to me.The room was all smiles and then the girl with the boyfriend , she pulled his penis out of his shorts and it was hard as a rock.That was it I started shooting cum straight up and I was terrified and now getting super embarrassed.Pam removed the hair tie from my ball sack and that was the most intense feeling I ever had.She had cum on and in her hands it was on my belly and she kept stoking me, rubbing my cum no all over my privates until I went soft.She kept rubbing until my cum was smeared all over my mid section and even into my ass crack.I was red faced and ashamed. Then she untied me, put me over her lap and spanked me till I started crying.The crowd of onlookers all left except for one girl.They chatted and they could see I was having fun. She and her friend walked me right out the front door naked, her mom is watching tv oblivious to us, and took me next door to my house, knocked on the door. My mom answers and she tells her she caught me naked peeping in her bedroom window while her and her friend were changing clothes. She told my mom she spanked me. I was grounded for a week.My mom surly noticed me being a sticky mess, but I dont know.Two weeks later my parents took off for the weekend and left me with my baby sitter.I got my first blow job that weekend.

Pam sounds like a fun kind of gal, I would like to meet her sometime soon.

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RE:Bondage fantasies

One of my greatest fantasies is to be out alone hiking in the woods. It's a hot day already by noon and i haven't seen anyone else all day yet. So, when I come across a small pond, i decide to strip and cool off. i leave my clothes on a rock on the bank and go into the water, splashing it all over me and then dunking all the way under water.

i'm feeling much better so i turn to walk toward my clothes and there's a group of 5 guys standing around grinning at me. Then they start laughing as i walk toward them to get my clothes. i try to be friendly and talk about how hot i was, etc. But, they keep laughing and start joking amongst themselves about how there's nobody else around and how they ought to keep my clothes away from me and keep me naked. Then some of them grab me from behind and others bring out ropes. They tie my hands behind me and put a noose around my neck.

i find out they are just passing through while spending a long weekend on the trail and camping each night. And, they start walking again toward their intended campsite for the day. I'm totally naked, barefoot, hands tied behind me, and dragged along behind one of the group by the long end of the noose around my neck. And, i hear them talking more about how much fun they are going to have with me when they camp. And, as they walk they start taking beers out of their packs and drinking.

After about an hour of hiking and them drinking they decide to take a break. my entire body is covered in sweat from walking, stumbling, and being dragged along barefoot. And, worrying, of course. Then, one of them says, "Why wait?" and walks over to me, shoves me down on my knees and pulls out his cock for me to suck. i try to resist, but his friends then come over to hold my head and force my mouth open while he shoves his cock in. He fucks my mouth with his cock and eventually fills my mouth with his cum.

By then, the others are lined up and jacking their cocks waiting their turn and laughing. i have to suck them all and end up with cum running down my chin and chest. Then the guy who seems to be the leader says it's time to get going. And, again i'm led by my noose as we walk through the forest.

After a while they see an old wood log fence and decide that's the perfect place to stop for the night. They take me over to the fence and make me sit on the ground with my back to the fence. They untie my hands and then tie them up to the logs on each side at my shoulder height. Then they find a small straight log and use it to tie my ankles spread wide. They leave me there while they set up tents, build a fire, etc.

But, every once in a while one has to piss from drinking so much beer during the afternoon. And, i see them walk off to the side and piss. Then, one tells the others he has a better idea when he starts to walk off to piss and changes direction and comes over to me and pisses on my face, piss running all over my body as he does it. They all laugh and say what a great idea that is! From then on my body is the urinal and some think it's more fun when they piss to aim for my exposed cock and balls on the ground.

After camp is set up it's another round of sucking their cocks, swallowing cum or letting it run out of my mouth. Then they all go back to sit around the fire to drink and have a good time. Leaving me sitting out in the dark and in the mud made from the dirt i'm sitting in and their piss and cum. From then on they would just come over whenever they needed to piss or wanted to be sucked. i'm simply a mouth to use to cum in and eventually to piss in. i am resigned to my fate. i do not resist.

Finally they all tire and fall asleep one by one, leaving me tied, tired, naked, and sitting in the cold piss mud. Of course every once in a while one had to get up and piss on me again.

The next morning they break camp, untie me from the fence, walk me over to make me lay down in a cold stream nearby to wash off. Then i have my hands tied behind me again, i'm leashed by the noose again, and the walking and sucking starts again. i'm never talked to throughout the day. my mouth is just used to cum in or piss in whenever the need or desire strikes one of them.

It's a long weekend.

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RE:Bondage fantasies

Anyone who wanted to tie me up could do anything they wanted to me

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RE:Bondage fantasies

One repeating fantasy is being restrained and a catheter stuck up my cock and being forced to drink my own piss.

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RE:Bondage fantasies

My biggest bondage fantasy is to be put in very secure restraints, naked and blindfolded, and then transported in the back of a car or transport van to an unknown location, where I'll then be used as a bdsm sexslave by multiple people.

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