compassionate pleasuer

My wife are not subs but true givers are there any other "GIVERS" out there who put others first.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

I understand & agree 100%.
Others assume it's a submissive act. But it's simply a matter of giving pleasure to others. Especially those in need of sexual release that for whatever reason can't accomplish it on there own. The fact you're a couple must be a great benefit to those you visit.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

Wife loves to please a guy in any way that she can or he wants

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

I also agree. Love helping others and this naturally leads to the sexual arena as well.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

I'd love someone or a couple to just let me relax and give me as much pleasure as they can. Tell me what you would like to do with me.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

I've always put my partner's satisfaction ahead of my own, I'm a firm believer in it. Even when I don't climax myself...which is rare... I still feel satisfied. First time my wife and I had sex when we were dating I literally wore her out with multiple orgasms from going down on her orally, fingering, and intercourse that she had to ask me to stop for awhile out of exhaustion. Of course, she gladly finished me off orally. I'm not submissive, I just love to make sure that my partner is sated.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

Hello... Would you like to trade nude photos by e-mail and video chat with camera in TS chatroom? My e-mail: [email protected]... Take care... Max

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

My wife are not subs but true givers are there any other "GIVERS" out there who put others first.

I'm very much the same way and I actually find it's hard to match this to partners at least gay men. Straight men believe it or not allow it far easier oftentimes. I say straight because I am often the first and sometimes only man they have interaction with. I'm just thrilled to be part of pleasing him. My ideal match is as a fully giving lover who is accepted as such and encouraged to find all his pleasure in the giving of my total being. Interestingly enough this could be with another giver or a receiver.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

Carol and I have an open marriage after enjoying the pleasure of our first threesome.
It was when the wife of a friend of ours was in hospital that we invited him to dinner, he opened up telling us how much he missed Jean, I jokingly said, "I bet it's just the sex you miss?" he laughed and said, "Having a nice meal cooked for me and yes, sex afterwards is always good."
I suggested that maybe my wife could help him out, he asked if I was serious, I said that it is up to Carol.
"I don't think Bill would cheat on Jean," she replied, his reply was, "Bloody hell, I have always fancied you Carol."
It was then the mood was set and Carol did indeed help him out, she has done so on many occasions after that night.

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RE:compassionate pleasuer

Yeah I like to help out and never seek anything in return. But its nice when its a two way street.

I love meeting another sub like me and giving each other the subission seeking nothing giving all.

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