RE: Straight men for men

Yes, agree that it isn't a good idea to get hung up on classifications. I considered myself straight until I went to a swinger club bi night; R was looking for some FF fun and while she was occupied with one woman, her husband and I did some cock-play and sucked one another. I hadn't done this before, and thought it was great, especially when he came in my mouth - made me realize what I'd been missing!
Most of the men in the couples we swing with are straight (although oddly most of the women are bi) so I started going to gay saunas for some MM play. I wanted to try full sex, and tried both topping and bottoming. I really liked topping - R asked me what it was like, and I said just like anal with women, only hairier, and you have another cock to play with! - so I enjoy MM sex now and again. I found fucking easier than kissing, took a bit of time before I got used to that. I don't consider myself gay, so guess I'm bisexual, although I prefer women - as far as I'm concerned you can't beat the smell and stickiness of an aroused pussy!
Think men are more straightforward about same-sex play - it's just for sexual pleasure, and it doesn't have any other aspects such as romance, although of course there's always the domination/submission aspects present. You wank and/or you suck and/or you fuck, then you both cum - that's it. Then you find somebody else and do it again. Why not?

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RE: Straight men for men

Oxy moron. Can't be straight and actually physically have a man. I fantacize . . . I'm straight . . . but I would deem me . . . bi-curious . . at best. Staight men for men? no way Jose.

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RE: Straight men for men

I considered myself straight for most of my life, but have began to experiment and now am sort of, kinda, experimentally bi

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RE: Straight men for men

Surely as soon as any man agrees to some form of sexual contact with with another man he ceases to be a str8 man

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RE: Straight men for men

I like guys and I like to have sex with guys who like guys, but in my experience the ones who are all about being straight can be very disappointing when it comes to sex. Now I can understand if you have a fetish for sucking straight cock- but if you like reciprocation, then a guy who is more comfortable with who he is and want he likes is much more fun to play with.

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RE: Straight men for men

I consider myself straight, I only want to give and receive a hand job from a man, slide my finger in his ass and maybe suck on his balls. I am married so not much time to do this discreetly. If anyone in Arizona wants a hand job or would like to give me a hand job let me know. [email protected]

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RE: Straight men for men

I totally believe in Kinsey's scale which rates a person's sexual orientation either straight, gay, or to some level in between (bisexual).Although I can pass for straight I'm totally gay, no in between for me. If I occasionally got sexual enjoyment by either looking at naked women, masturbating with them, having oral sex performed on me by a female, or any sexual activity at all with them I'd admit that I would be bi-sexual. I will say that I can understand how most "straight" men don't want to admit to having bi-sexual tendencies mainly due to reasons in our society. I don't have a problem with that or do I hold it against them.From my experience I think most heterosexual people would be astonished at the percentage of "straight" men who have or have had some form of sexual activity with other men. I've had many sexual encounters with supposedly str8 men and passed on many more that tried to initiate it. It's certainly not because I'm some fantastic looking guy since I'm not, but probably because the men were wanting to act on their bi-sexual urges and the time and place was right. In no way do I actively seek out sex with "str8" guys or make unwanted advances, it's just always seemed to unfold from whatever situation we were in at the time. Some I knew personally, others were a chance encounter and some I've had sex with on repeat occasions. They all claim to be totally straight which again, I have no problem with. So to all the guys who identify themselves as straight but also have a sexual attraction to males I think you should know that I think most men seem to fall in that grey area on the scale at least to some degree. But hey everyone, that's just my opinion.I am bi sexual I enjoy sex with men and women, but i agree with the above- I have met a great many men who list themselves as straight but enjoy male contact and pleasure. All the way from mutual masturbation through to anal intercourse. I believe there is a wide range of grey sexuality- from totally straight at the black end to totally gay at the white end. Dont worry about labels or pigeon holing people just enjoy them! If is a oncer as that person explores or a regular thing with some restrictions they want its not really that hard is it?

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RE: Straight men for men

"I totally believe in Kinsey's scale which rates a person's sexual orientation either straight, gay, or to some level in between (bisexual)." I have to agree as I've had sex with both men and women and I find that porn with MF, MFM, MM, MMM turns me on! I prefer to be emotionally connected to a man... so I guess that has always made me gay. For me... sex is sex... gay, straight, bi... it ALL turns me on! :-) Hope that helps.I totally identify with bigcat's comments here. I would normally consider myself as gay, as thus far I've only had sexual contact with guys. However I find I do enjoy a much wider selection of porn than just gay. Basically, if it's two or more people enjoying good sex then it's a big turn on for me. One of the reasons I came here is to hopefully explore my bi side, and actually experience sex with a woman.

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RE: Straight men for men

I am straight and not attracted to guys but i think it will be cool to experience being wanked off by another guy

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RE: Straight men for men

would love to jack-off...with someone

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