Ladies who like men's bottoms

It's always really great to hear the Ladies into men's asses I love both women and men's asses in all shapes and sizes as long as they are naked and we men are always very vocal about others asses however I always find it so thrillingly sexy when women coment or like my ass pics or just coment on other men's asses so would love to hear from the Ladies if that appreciate men's bottoms. A
Here's mine btw what do you ladies think?

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RE:Ladies who like men's bottoms

I remember tail-ending several big all-day nude hikes in the Alps. I had plenty of time to study the bottoms before me in all their subtle variations. I did notice one general rule- men's bottoms are smaller. Their hips, and bottoms, are as wide as their armpits whereas a woman's is as wide as her shoulders. I guess it's something to do with child baring.

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