Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

Shortly after my wife and I got married, we used to visit a nudist club that was very rustic. There were less than a dozen people there on the weekends. One sunny afternoon, my wife and I made love in a grassy field that was away from the pond where the other visitors were sunbathing. Looking back, I wish that one of them would have happened to see us.

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

My wife and I were dating when we went to St Martin on vacation. She tried the nude beach - didn't really like it (this was her first time and it too crowded for her) - but the nudity did have an "effect" on her... :)

One late night after drinking quite a bit, she proposed we go for a walk on the beach near us (just down the road from the nude beach). She said: "it's dark, no one will see us, let's go bottomless!" So she wore a short dress without panties and I wore an oversized T-shirt. We headed to the beach, waded in the water; at which point when pulled her dress up and tied it above her waist. Then she suddenly lifted my shirt and grabbed my dick with a smile. I then understood the whole point of going bottomless. She was feeling sexual. What ensued was a frolicking session while standing knee deep in the ocean.

I was at the time concerned with someone seeing us; but there was no chance of that because it was so dark. But in hindsight...I admit I do now wish we'd been seen. It would have added some spiciness to the situation lol!

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

She said: "it's dark, no one will see us, let's go bottomless!" So she wore a short dress without panties and I wore an oversized T-shirt. We headed to the beach, waded in the water; at which point when pulled her dress up and tied it above her waist. Then she suddenly lifted my shirt and grabbed my dick with a smile. I then understood the whole point of going bottomless. She was feeling sexual.

It must have been very exciting for you at the time! I love the idea that it was your wife who took the initiative by suggesting that you both go bottomless. I also love the assertiveness that she showed when she grabbed your dick. It must have been very erotic when she pulled her dress up and tied it above her waist. I can understand your concern at the time about someone seeing you.

Don't you wish that you could go back in time and deliberately do things in such a way that someone else would see or that you would get caught? Before my wife and I made love in that grassy field, we had actually asked the other nudists if any of them would like to go for a walk with us. They all declined because all they wanted to do was to lay out by the pond. Of course, if any of them had gone with us we wouldn't have done what we did. But I sometimes fantasize that we deliberately invited another person to watch.

The thing is, I knew at the time that there WAS a real risk that we would get caught. Someone could have happened to be taking a walk along the path and seen us. We weren't all THAT far from the pond. We were completely nude when we started out on our walk. It was my idea to have sex. I had that in mind when we started on our walk, but I didn't say anything to my wife about it until we were in the field. I had never had sex with her outside before, let alone in such an idyllic setting.

The funny thing is that when we returned to where the other nudists were sunbathing, one of them commented that he could see the twig marks or other impressions om my wife's skin. He knew right away what we had done!

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

Great story! I'm glad you got to have that experience!

Don't you wish that you could go back in time and deliberately do things in such a way that someone else would see or that you would get caught?

Oh yes. In hindsight, getting caught on Orient Beach very likely wouldn't have had any negative consequences. I was too careful. I don't think anyone "catching us" would have been THAT surprised seeing two people "fooling around" bottomless on the beach.

When I used to go to Mazo Beach, I'd occasionally see couples "disappearing" into the woods behind the beach; and resurface a little while later. The woman would usually be "red in the face" and the man grinning; both of them sweaty. So you'd know what they'd just be up to lol!

The closest I've ever came to a "caught" situation was with my first wife. We were at an "adult-oriented" resort; very permissive. My wife and I were in the pool alone; and she got very flirty. She started grinding against me, and of course I got an erection. She then grabbed my dick and started rubbing it against her pussy. I got concerned about getting "caught", so I asked her to back off. She laughingly got out of the pool, and I exited as well, still hard and throbbing, with no way to hide it. A gentleman saw it and smiled. Had I known no one would care; I would have slipped it in, even if for just a couple of strokes. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20!

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

The closest I've ever came to a "caught" situation was with my first wife. We were at an "adult-oriented" resort... My wife and I were in the pool alone; and she got very flirty. She started grinding against me, and of course I got an erection. She then grabbed my dick and started rubbing it against her pussy. I got concerned about getting "caught".... She laughingly got out of the pool, and I exited as well, still hard and throbbing, with no way to hide it.

That is a very hot story! Your first wife was so naughty.

My wife can be a tease when she wants to be but seldom as naughty as your wife was in that story. There were times when we were sunbathing at the pool at the nudist club that we belong to now and she would tease me verbally, trying to get me hard in front of the people sitting near us. If she did succeed in causing me to get an erection she would laugh, proud at the effect that she had on me. There were a couple of times when I had to turn onto my stomach so that we wouldn't get in trouble.

I remember one time when she decided to rub my feet while we were sunbathing at the pool, chatting with a female friend. There really wasn't anything unusual with her doing that except for the fact that we were both naked. It took an awful lot of concentration on my part to keep from getting an erection. Probably our friend wouldn't have minded seeing that, but someone else could have made a complaint. I still wonder whether my wife was deliberately trying to embarrass me by causing me to get an erection in front of our friend. Surely, she must have realized that could be a real possibility.

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

I think that causing an erection, for a lot of women, validates their power over men. I think that's why my "mischievous" ex got a kick out of it. It made her feel "sexy."

My current wife is a lot more discreet about it. One major reason is that we're always surrounded by other people at the resort; and she's concerned about etiquette and not coming off as swingers. But that certainly doesn't mean she doesn't have her own "mischievous" moments; when the opportunity arises. Like when she asks me to apply sunscreen to her back, butt and inner thighs. She technically doesn't need me to do it since it's a spray bottle; but she insists it can't cover all her areas that way, so I have to rub it in. It's inconspicuous enough to that other people wouldn't be questioning it; but she also knows well enough the effect of my hand on her ass and that close to her pussy could have on me. I think she likes knowing that.

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

My current wife is a lot more discreet about it. One major reason is that we're always surrounded by other people at the resort; and she's concerned about etiquette and not coming off as swingers. But that certainly doesn't mean she doesn't have her own "mischievous" moments; when the opportunity arises.

I think that many women who go to nudist clubs or other nudist settings enjoy teasing their husbands and potentially embarrassing them in front of other people. They know that their husbands are vulnerable to their charms. Your first wife had fewer inhibitions about doing this compared to your current wife. Your current wife takes pleasure in doing this too, but she is more discreet.

Of course, when you're at a nudist club you need to follow proper nudist etiquette. While my wife can be naughty at times, she usually knows to behave when we are surrounded by people. If she discreetly teases me so as to cause me to get an erection, usually all I need to do is to quickly turn onto my stomach. That assumes that were sunbathing by the pool. This is not a problem.

But there have been a few instances where I was in a more precarious situation. For example, one time we went for a walk along the path at our nudist club. We didn't take our towels with us, having left them at the pool. We stopped to chat with another couple who was also nude. They were in front of their camper. As we stood chatting with them, my wife casually touched the side of my hip with her hand. I think all she was doing was being affectionate, but I was VERY concerned that I was going to get an erection. That would have been extremely embarrassing as I wouldnt have had anything to cover myself with.

On the other hand, when I would go for walks with my wife, I would deliberately not take a towel for that reason. I wanted to feel vulnerable and exposed. There were other reasons as well. What is the fun of being at a nudist club if you cant go completely nude? That means no towel.

In retrospect, I wish that I had gotten caught with an erection in front of that couple. I would have been so embarrassed! Certainly, my wife would have thought that was funny. I dont think the couple would have minded either. Its only natural that that could happen when you dont have any clothes on, especially when you have a mischievous wife.

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RE:Times That You Wish You Had Gotten Caught

Reminds me of the time my wife gave me a bit of a rub in the waist-deep water at the local beach, with the inevitable result, and promptly walked to the shore leaving me stranded until things settled down a little.

It was a busy afternoon with at a suburban textile beach with all ages in attendance and my Hom swim brief would have revealed the full story beneath the fabric had I followed her immediately. I decided to wait rather than let everyone see my state but if it was to happen again, I might be more daring.

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