Fishing naked.

I belong to a local fishing club that owns a small lake. Few club members fish the lake so when I'm alone there I often fish naked it's a great freedom. I've not been caught by anyone yet, that I know of, I'm not sure how to react if I am caught out, If I hear the gates out, I have time to dress, If I and caught unaware of someone turning up I think I would sooner brave it out. The club has no rule banning naturist fishing.

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RE:Fishing naked.

What's the priority of the gate clicks while you're reeling in a catch? I feel the fish would be the priority!

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RE:Fishing naked.

well not sure how to explain other than hot as hell out here lol. I've fish nude a few times hard to find seclusion when fishing , a few times I've got nude fishing the chattahoochee river in Georgia once a boat approached fast so I waded in up to my waist - super cool water year around and no doubt the two guys knew I was nude. not sure why I stayed in till they left i should have waded out .

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RE:Fishing naked.

You should have, they were probably waiting for you to. I have done nude fishing here in Australia, but from my boat, which afforded some shade, but caused some issues when one got a fish on. Still it was fun.

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RE:Fishing naked.

I fish naked a lot and only been caught/seen twice. One time I was wading out to cast as another guy walks up to my area. As I waded back to shore, he saw I was naked and just stayed and chatted with me like nothing was different. It ended up us masturbating together and then he left. The other time, I was sitting in my cooler naked while line was out and another fisherman walked down the shore and as he approached, I didnt cover up so he saw I was nude. He double takes and said ooh youre naked. Turned and left. No harm no problem!

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