
Here is a young female Sun reporter who got naked to do a report on last week's Nudefest (maybe it will be in tomorrow's Sun newspaper). I chatted briefly to her and was impressed how relaxed she was even though it was her first time naked in public.

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A good story she did. I admire her for going thru with it and reporting the truth.
A link if it works: nope didn't copy.
Do a word search for The Sun for yesterday and it should show up.

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This is the link:

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They're two different types of intimacy. One is connecting with your partner, the other is connecting with other people.

My wife and I have been at different nudist venues; some where we naked but not everyone else was (clothing-optional) and some where everyone was naked. We now exclusively go to "all-nude" venues.

The reason is the "connection" to our surroundings and people; when everyone that we are full-frontal naked in front of - are also full-frontal in front of us. It's completely open and honest.
Between couples/friends, there is an appreciation. There is no jealousy between husbands, and we know we can see each other's wives completely naked and appreciate them being comfortable in their complete nudity. The same with women seeing each other's husbands. No one takes offense to looking at each other's naked bodies; and that it very liberating.

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Although my wife and I are long-time nudists and believe in the wholesomeness of the nudist lifestyle, the sexy aspects of being nude socially are not to be denied.

The nudist club that we go to is family oriented. It is not a sex club. We are very comfortable being nude there as everyone is very respectful of each others spouses. It is not clothing optional although some of the women tend to wear an item of clothing when not at the pool.

We have also been to clothing optional beaches. My wife likes to sunbathe nude. It usually didnt bother her if someone who wasnt a nudist could see her as long as the situation was safe. (Just because a person is nude at the beach, it doesn't mean that he is a nudist. His motivation could be more sexual.) The biggest factor here was that we didnt know the persons. Anyone seeing us would have been a complete stranger. The anonymity of the situation added to the excitement. I sometimes found it very exciting when other men at the beach got to see my wife completely naked. She looked so exposed and vulnerable. I liked the idea that other men were turned on by her beauty.

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