Love Showing the wife

Love to have men look at the wife while she is showing commando.
What do other men think?

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RE:Love Showing the wife

Very complicated emotions. I have loved both my wives and certainly felt protective of both. At the same time, whenever either of them was exposed to other men, either partially or totally, I have had a strong surge of sexual excitement. The closest that I have ever come to getting an erection at a nude resort was while watching my second wife remove her robe during her first ever visit to a resort. As she slipped it off her shoulders and bared her nude body in front of the other guests I felt a mix of excitement and pride. I get this same feeling when I share her nude photos either online or in emails and see the replies, likes, and even views. Why this happens I have no idea but I have accepted the fact that I am wired this way and learned to embrace it.

Edit to add: Just thinking about sharing my wives with this group got me excited so I posted the above then went to upload a couple of pics. Hope you enjoy viewing as much as I enjoyed posting them.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

yes . I feel the same way. I get a rush when othes take an interest. She makes me very proud when she allows her nudity to be appreciated

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RE:Love Showing the wife

I love seeing wives showing in a discrete and sexy manner. We both love her being seen, admired.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

Very complicated emotions. I have loved both my wives and certainly felt protective of both. At the same time, whenever either of them was exposed to other men...I have had a strong surge of sexual excitement. The closest that I have ever come to getting an erection at a nude resort was while watching my second wife remove her robe during her first ever visit to a resort. As she slipped it off her shoulders and bared her nude body in front of the other guests I felt a mix of excitement and pride. ... I have accepted the fact that I am wired this way.

Interesting that you felt protective of both of your wives but, at the same time, you felt a surge of sexual excitement when either of them was exposed to other men. I don't think there is anything contradictory in that as long as you were in a safe situation. If the situations weren't safe, your protective instincts probably would have been much stronger.

I can understand why you got so excited when your second wife took her robe off and bared her nude body in front of other guests at the nudist resort. I have experienced this too with my wife at the nudist clubs that we have visited. The suddenness of witnessing your wife do that for the first time had to be very exciting. Somehow, you managed to avoid getting an erection.

I also understand your feeling of pride. That does seem complicated though. I like the idea that my wife is confident enough in her body that she is willing to be bare in front of others. I also like the idea that other men enjoy seeing her nude.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

As she slipped it off her shoulders and bared her nude body in front of the other guests I felt a mix of excitement and pride.

The combination of excitement, pride and protectiveness are all completely natural; especially at first.
The first time my ex-wife went naked socially was a total surprise. She had been nude at resorts here and there; but never around groups of people. We'd started going to a non-landed club; and she always kept her sarong on the entire time. I just reluctantly accepted the fact that she might not ever go naked around groups of people.
Then, on our third or fourth outing, she decided to stay inside the house to chat with a friend. I was on the patio hanging out with another friend, when I saw my wife walking out of the house to join us - completely naked. And everyone just froze and looked lol! She definitely made quite an impression that day; as I'm sure no one had expected her to ever show herself naked either.
And the mixture of emotions just "hit me." Surprise, amazement, pride; and a touch of protectiveness too. I wanted to also make sure she was comfortable being seen naked by everyone looking at her; naked for the first time. I even pulled her aside a little while later to ask her if she was ok; and she acquiesced. Deep down, I was also like: "YES!! Finally!!" lol!

Over time the excitement of the "first time" lessens, but the good news is that it never really goes away. My (current) wife has been naked many times around many people. And it still "jolts me" when she displays confidence being seen naked socially.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

The combination of excitement, pride and protectiveness are all completely natural; especially at first. The first time my ex-wife went naked socially was a total surprise...when I saw my wife walking out of the house to join us - completely naked. And everyone just froze and looked lol! She definitely made quite an impression that day; as I'm sure no one had expected her to ever show herself naked either.And the mixture of emotions just "hit me." Surprise, amazement, pride; and a touch of protectiveness too..

Excellent post! I like how you were so surprised when your ex-wife walked out of the house to join you and the other people completely naked. You obviously didn't expect that and neither did they. I also like how you pulled her aside to ask her if she was okay. That shows your concern and protectiveness for her. I wonder if she felt a bit nervous. No wonder that the mix of emptions suddenly hit you. You probably remember that time like it was yesterday. I also like your comment about how you still get a jolt when your current wife. displays confidence being seen naked socially

I. too, have experienced "the combination of excitement, pride and protectiveness" at seeing my wife nude in front of other people. I still feel that way even though we are older. Part of it is the unpredictability. Even though we have been married for a long time, she still manages to surprise me. One time she sunbathed nude on an old wooden dock when we were in Florida. Most of the people sitting near us were clothed. It didn't bother her any to be naked in front of clothed strangers. I also get a thrill when she dances nude at our nudist club. She hesitates to do that sometimes because many of the women at the dances wear some clothing even though they are nudists. The rules at our club prohibit suggestive behavior. My wife may wear some clothing too but, later in the evening, decide to go completely nude. She looks so confident!

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RE:Love Showing the wife

I wonder if she felt a bit nervous. No wonder that the mix of emptions suddenly hit you. You probably remember that time like it was yesterday.

Oh yes. As a matter of fact, I think it is probably my most memorable nudist experience (no offense to my current wife).

To add a bit more background to that story, I had "met" members of the non-landed club in a nudist chatroom (back in its heyday.) I was invited to join them and enthused about meeting these people "for real"; my wife was not. Yet she agreed to accompany me, but with one strong stipulation: she would wear her sarong and not be talked out of it.
And that's exactly what she did. The first couple of visits there were always one or two other women who also covered up, so she did not feel "out of place."

Looking at it from the perspective of the other members, they had met my wife and even chatted with her; but she'd always been wrapped up in her sarong. There was only one time where she was reclining on a lounge chair chatting with a lady (who would eventually become a close friend); and her sarong came loose. She had a "boob -slip." So the only nudity of hers anyone there had seen was one tit lol!

I don't know what happened on that particular subsequent day inside the house, because she never told me. But I assume one of the other women questioned her about still wearing a sarong; and my wife, feeling "put on the spot", decided to take it off to "prove she wasn't scared." I also think she decided to "surprise" me by walking out on the patio naked; but what she didn't realize was that she would also surprise everyone else and instantly become the center of attention. She did clearly become self-conscious initially of all the attention and "clamor" she was receiving; but then her demeanor changed. As the evening turned into night and people started leaving, my wife was still naked; and even volunteered to stay later and help clean-up. The "transformation" was pretty impressive, and I think everyone was as fascinated and enjoyed it just as much as me.

It was definitely the "surprise factor" that made it such a memorable event. My current wife's first time was also a "good one", but didn't have the same impact. She quietly "snuck in" the busy pool area naked and instantly blended in with everyone else. It was inconspicuous/ barely noticeable. That worked for her though. And to be fair she's also had her own "unexpected" moments.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

I don't know what happened on that particular subsequent day inside the house, because she never told me. But I assume one of the other women questioned her about still wearing a sarong; and my wife, feeling "put on the spot", decided to take it off to "prove she wasn't scared." I also think she decided to "surprise" me by walking out on the patio naked...It was definitely the "surprise factor" that made it such a memorable event.

You will never know for sure what motivated your ex-wife to go bare that day. It could have been that she felt out of place wearing a sarong at a nudist event when most if not all of the other women were nude. She may have been reluctant to strip, but one of the other women talked her into it. That would have been more convincing than you trying to convince her. Another explanation is that she just happened to be in a more daring mood. Regardless of the reason, her sudden nudity was very dramatic as it caught everyone's attention, including yours. She probably took great pleasure by surprising you. I can imagine the big smile on your face when you saw her!

Your second wife was more discreet, blending into the group that was already in the pool. That's a lot different than going nude at a house party. A woman who is nude at a house party for the very first time that she has ever been nude socially is going to feel much more vulnerable and exposed (even if it is a nudist event). I think it's great that your ex finally took a chance and did that.

From what you have written about your second wife, she has had her moments of being more daring. Maybe it was when there were only one or two other people around or maybe when something happened that momentarily caused her to become a bit less inhibited. The fact that you are not always able to predict what your wife is going to do that adds to your pleasure.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

Another explanation is that she just happened to be in a more daring mood.

I think you touched on something. I call it "unplanned/spontaneous exposure." It's when they unexpectedly reach a state of mind where they are so relaxed, or energized, that their self-awareness or self-consciousness gets put on "pause", and they just go with whatever "vibe" they're feeling at that time. That's my amateur psychologist take on it anyway lol!
My ex showing up naked might have just been the result of this, which is why she did not give me an explanation on her "sudden" decision. She might have not known herself why she made that decision. A "mood switch" might have occurred simply while she was interacting with the nude women inside the house. And the interaction might have "triggered" an unconscious, spontaneous impulse to be naked with them.
Perhaps this is the very same thing that occurred with your wife at the dance or while sunbathing on vacation.

I was able to witness a similar situation occurring in "real time" once. It was at the same nudist club, later on after my ex had become a "fully-naked" member. One guy brought his reluctant wife, who clearly had no intention of disrobing and no inclination to socialize. My wife, who had once "walked in her shoes", decided to befriend her and make her feel welcome. At first the woman was a bit "thrown" by this naked woman talking to her, but soon enough the two of them ended up "hitting it off." They sat together on our blanket in a grassy area.
As they talked, I could see the woman fidgeting with her shorts buttons - and it appeared to be totally unconscious. My wife read her body-language and asked her if she wanted to get more comfortable and borrow her sarong. She did; and they went off inside the house and reappeared a short while later. This time, as they talked, she started pulling at the sides of the sarong covering her legs, seemingly also unconsciously. And the sarong came open, revealing her pussy. My wife once again read her body-language and asked her if she was ready to try nudity. The woman shyly acquiesced, and my wife offered they just go off for a walk - naked.
The funniest part of this story was her husband's reaction - who had been inside the house the entire time - when he came out and saw his wife hanging out naked behind the hot-tub with mine. He actually was completely shocked!

The woman clearly came in with no intention of this being "the day" she'd be socially naked. But there was "something" about hanging out with my naked wife that triggered something in her. Her pulling away at the sarong and leaving it open - while lounging next to my wife in front of me - was certainly also not "thought out" or planned. I don't think she explicitly thought for one second: "I'm going to show her husband my pussy." My interpretation is at that moment, with me standing naked in front of her and my wife reclining naked next to her, she entered into a "daring mode." An impulse to allow herself to be seen in a "vulnerable state" by the two people who were "allowing" themselves to be seen - without shame or false modesty - by her.

But I'm rambling as usual lol! But it is fascinating to observe what makes women "tick"; even if it seemingly makes no sense to us.

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RE:Love Showing the wife

I call it "unplanned/spontaneous exposure." It's when they unexpectedly reach a state of mind where they are so relaxed, or energized, that their self-awareness or self-consciousness gets put on "pause"...My ex showing up naked might have just been the result of this, which is why she did not give me an explanation on her "sudden" decision. She might have not known herself why she made that decision. A "mood switch" might have occurred... But it is fascinating to observe what makes women "tick"; even if it seemingly makes no sense to us.

Your ex-wife didn't give you an explanation for why she suddenly decided to go nude at the house party. But that doesn't necessarily mean that she didn't know why she did it. Women like to be mysterious with their husbands sometimes. (I know that's true with my wife.) It would have been interesting to know how she would have responded had you asked her that question. Probably, you decided that it was better not to ask.

The most likely explanation is that your wife's exposure was spontaneous and unplanned. She was probably being flooded with thoughts and feelings that impacted on her mood and caused her to "take the plunge" and completely bare her body socially. One of the other women could have coaxed her, but I think that would have only given her one more green light. I'm not so sure about your wife's self-consciousness being on pause. It would be just the opposite. Her self-consciousness would have been enhanced, contributing to wanting to show herself.

I do agree with your theory that a mood switch might have occurred. Women are such unpredictable creatures! That's what fascinates us men.

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