Thoughts on being a nudist husband

Over the years I've met many "kinds" of nudist husbands. There are the husbands whose wives do not participate at all, husbands whose wives will accompany them to nudist venues but remain covered/won't socialize with other nudists, husbands whose wives will go nude but stay away from the crowd; and then husbands whose wives fully participate.

The husbands in the latter category are the "luckiest ones"; and should be reminded how lucky they are (lol!)

A few weeks ago my wife and I were at our first non-landed club event. About 100 people in attendance. And they all got to see her naked. She wasn't too shy about it either.
She didn't get that comfortable overnight.
It first started with a quick skinny-dip in the ocean. A couple of years later, she spent a couple of hours tanning nude in the resort pool area. Another year or so later, she started staying naked the entire day; and after seeing women sunbathing with their legs open, decided to "go for it" and let her vulva be seen for the first time by other people. As she progressed she became more and more confident, and less self-conscious of her posture/vulva "showing." And as she became aware she was frequently "on full display" by socializing extensively, she started shaving bald to "enhance" her appearance. Anyone who's seen her at our resort has seen a completely naked woman walking around with no shyness, and/or her vulva while hanging out with other people or doing activities.

One thing is for sure: you can't be a possessive/jealous type if your wife really starts embracing social nudity. I remember one guy at a non-landed get-together who brought his shy clothed wife; and was quite taken aback when he later saw his wife hanging out with my ex, naked with her legs open. I myself was "concerned" why my ex started embracing being seen naked with her legs wide open. But I was younger and dumber at the time.
Having a confidently naked wife is not for everyone. Some think that's what they want; but don't realize what it can mean: other people will see and appreciate her naked body. That's what some of my non-nudist friends "in the know" don't understand. How can I be comfortable with that? Well there are two reasons. One: she had to work at it to get there, and it paid off. Two: people admiring her is actually a good thing. Whether they're admiring her confidence and personality, her erect nipples while she soaks in the hot-tub, or her shaven pussy while she sunbathes/sits with her legs open, it's all positive acknowledgment and it makes me look at her with pride and love.

Anyway, these are just some random thoughts...

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

One thing is for sure: you can't be a possessive/jealous type if your wife really starts embracing social nudity. I remember one guy at a non-landed get-together who brought his shy clothed wife; and was quite taken aback when he later saw his wife hanging out with my ex, naked with her legs open. I myself was "concerned" why my ex started embracing being seen naked with her legs wide open. But I was younger and dumber at the time...Having a confidently naked wife is not for everyone. Some think that's what they want; but don't realize what it can mean: other people will see

I agree that social nudity could be a problem if a husband is a possessive/jealous type. Other men are going to see every inch of your wife's body. That, in itself, should not be a problem at a nudist club or venue unless (1) your wife's behavior is not what you expected, or (2) someone is behaving inappropriately toward her.

When my wife and I were first married, I was much more possessive than I am now. Despite that, I was fine with other men seeing her naked at the nudist camp. That was because I knew it was safe there. Maybe if she were the flirtatious type it would have bothered me, but she wasn't.

But one time I got angry when a friend of the owner was gawking at her. He was fully clothed and not a nudist and she was stark naked. His behavior was disrespectful. Later that day, the owner's wife came up to me. She must have known that I was angry because she commented about how lovely my wife looked and that it was normal for the friend to want to look at her. I knew that she was right but the friend, being at a nudist camp, should have gotten naked too.

I'm less possessive/jealous now. This comes with being married for a long time.

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

Over the years I've met many "kinds" of nudist husbands. There are the husbands whose wives do not participate at all, husbands whose wives will accompany them to nudist venues but remain covered/won't socialize with other nudists, husbands whose wives will go nude but stay away from the crowd; and then husbands whose wives fully participate...The husbands in the latter category are the "luckiest ones"; and should be reminded how lucky they are (lol!)

I am definitely one of the "luckiest ones" in that my wife embraced social nudism right from the very beginning. When I first met her, she used to sunbathe in the backyard at her mom's house in a skimpy bikini. It didn't take much convincing on my part for her to go to a nudist club. She definitely enjoys the social aspects.

I will add to your categories. There are men whose wives are so much against nudism that their husbands either don't go nude or they need to keep their activities a secret. That is a very unfortunate situation. Then there are the husbands whose wives will let them go to a nudist event but won't go with them. At least in that case the husband isn't going behind his wife's back. I remember one guy who my wife and I would see at a non-landed nudist club. His wife knew about it. She didn't like it, but she let him do it.

I understand that nudism isn't for everyone. It may still be a good situation when a wife accompanies a husband to a nudist venue as long as she doesn't begrudge him from being nude. It's not ideal but at least she is okay with him being nude.

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

But one time I got angry when a friend of the owner was gawking at her. He was fully clothed and not a nudist and she was stark naked. His behavior was disrespectful.

I don't know what it is with dressed dudes at nudist venues; but they often seem to act like smug a-holes. It's the "look" and the "smirk." Like being dressed puts them in a position of superiority over naked women. I've also noticed it and never liked it. So has my wife.

When a guy is naked, even if he's a bit "gawkerish"; he's often going to tend to be more discreet and polite. He knows he's on the same level as the woman he's looking at: she can also see him naked. There's no sense of superiority.

Men with naked wives are often going to be even more respectful. For one, their wife wouldn't like it if they spent too much time checking out other women's bodies. And it's harder to gawk at someone's wife when you don't want your own wife to be gawked at

Of course there are always exceptions. Some dudes are a-holes even if they're naked and their wife is right there.

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

I don't know what it is with dressed dudes at nudist venues; but they often seem to act like smug a-holes. It's the "look" and the "smirk." Like being dressed puts them in a position of superiority over naked women. I've also noticed it and never liked it. So has my wife.

I think you're right but, looking back, I think I may have overacted to that guy who was gawking at my wife. I'm not sure, but I don't recall her being offended. She knew that he was friends with the owner and so may have excused his behavior for that reason. I, on the other hand, didn't like him gawking at her. That's the only incident like that that I can recall happening at a nudist club.

My wife and I used to be friends with a couple who were long-time nudists. The woman told me that she would be damned if she let people who weren't nudists see her naked. I thought that viewpoint was a bit extreme, but I could understand where she was coming from. One time my wife and I visited a couple we had met at a nudist club. They had two other couples there who we knew from the club. All of us were nude. There was a neighbor guy who stopped by. He stayed completely clothed. I suddenly found myself feeling possessive of my wife. I didn't like that he could see her naked while he kept his clothes on. To be fair, he wasn't there all that long and he didn't gawk at her.

Later on, my attitude towards things changed. For example, it wouldn't bother me if we were at a clothing optional beach and some guy enjoyed seeing my wife naked. That was part of the fun. It didn't matter if he was wearing clothes or not. As long as he kept a safe distance and wasn't gawking at my wife or presenting some other danger and my wife felt comfortable with the situation, there was no problem.

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

Did you just read my bio before writing this. I am presently trying to decide if I should level with the wife or not. I intend on visiting a local nudist park. I want to tell her full well knowing its not her lane and will get an earful to boot. Then going behind her back doesn't make me feel good and if she found out its worse. Thought of leaving yrs ago but now at this age, I don't think so. Living like this is extremely difficult. I constantly love nudity and sex and have to keep it to myself. Sharing nude time with another like minded friend comes around once a year or so. I've been to a nude resort and a beach, a handful of times and I want to do it again before I can't anymore.

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

That's always a complicated situation.

But I think as you get older and time is "running out", you've got to have that conversation. The worse that can happen is she is opposed to it; and then at least you'll know. You then have to decide whether to let it go, or defend your right to pursue your happiness.

It was a bit different for me with my first wife, as I was much younger, but I did have to "fight that battle" with her initially. I wanted to stay naked at home; she said I was being a "weirdo." That went on for a while before she eventually gave up and relented. Ironically, she eventually ended up joining me. There can be light at the end of the tunnel.

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RE:Thoughts on being a nudist husband

Did you just read my bio before writing this. I am presently trying to decide if I should level with the wife or not. I intend on visiting a local nudist park. I want to tell her full well knowing its not her lane and will get an earful to boot. Then going behind her back doesn't make me feel good and if she found out its worse. Thought of leaving yrs ago but now at this age, I don't think so. Living like this is extremely difficult. I constantly love nudity and sex and have to keep it to myself. Sharing nude time with another like minded friend comes around once a year or so. I've been to a nude resort and a beach, a handful of times and I want to do it again before I can't anymore.

My question is, are you just talking about being visiting a "nudist park" or are you talking about having sex outside your marriage? This is a fair question as this is a site for swingers.

If it is just a matter of you visiting a nudist club or other nudist setting, then I don't see the need to feel guilty about it. I wouldn't consider that to be cheating on your wife. But if it is a matter of having sex with another person without your wife knowing about it, that would be cheating. It is the cheating that I don't like.

One guy on TS told me that he occasionally visits a nudist club without telling his wife. The problem is that he needs to do this when she is at work. If she were to find out it wouldn't be too good. His marriage has been without sex for a long time. His wife is talking about retiring soon so that will make it more difficult for him to go to the club. He's also talking about having sex with other people. His sexual frustrations are making him unhappy, especially as the clock keeps ticking.

It's difficult for me to relate to the above because I'm not in that situation. I try not to pass judgment on another person.

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