A recent story

I messaged a man I met off some app. He lives not too far from me and I eventually got to tell him that 1 I was a nudist and 2 I was a dom. He said he wanted to try being a sub. I said Id be willing to be a dom for him

He eventually took that further and said he wanted to try nudism too. So we wrote out a contract. He was to come over once a month. Get naked. I would record him stripping. Take his clothes and lock them up for while he was over. He would have to sleep in my bed if he stayed over and get my off at least once every visit. If he breaks the rules I am allowed to release his videos, and phone number.. (I lost the phone number)

We met up once and we did as we said. But, he actually got me off multiple times. We did it for 3 months and he suddenly stopped coming. We both got busy schedules. I dont feel right completely releasing everything because I was also going through a lot at the moment. But def an interesting idea for any of you interested.

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RE:A recent story

I don't think a blackmail situation can ever be considered to be right / okay. So don't release anything.

That said... The idea of coming over once a month, having to strip naked upon arrival, and then submitting to a bondage session.... That does sound good....

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