RE:CFNM in Public

Oops, but you were in your private space so were able to do as you wish.

I went to look at a job as a favour for a friend. He knew an elderly woman of about 70 looking for some work.
She was slender and attractive, a looker in her younger days for sure. I measured up and left to arrange the quote.
I visited again and we chatted about the work. She offered me a beer which I gratefully excepted as I was a scorcher of a day.
She suddenly suggested I take a dip in her pool. Thanking her I explained I had nothing to wear she suggested I swam naked! I thanked her again and agreed it was tempting but I probably shouldnt.
We chatted more, another beer came out and then she asked again if I would make an old lady very happy and swim . I told her she should be careful what she wished for as I was a nudist.
Not wishing to miss this opportunity thought Id go for it and I agreed. I suggested she better grab more beers and a towel. Delighted she went in the house and while she did I stripped and wandered to the shower. Clearly it was erotic that this woman was about to find me naked, she found me with a semi erection showering. She smiled and commented of my size as she stood clearly admiring the view and handed the towel.
After the swim, my cock still semi, I dried lightly before sitting on the towel beside her on the garden bench still nude.
She chatted about her late husband how they were nudist and swingers and told some stories of the past. All while her hand rested on my thigh, patting it lightly as she shared her memories. My cock went from hard to soft several times ! When soft it lay very close to her hand and I willed her to touch it.
She brushed against it, whether intentionally or not I dont know, but the slightest touch and the stories we shared had me fully hard again which delighted her.
After a wonderful afternoon it was time to leave. We wandered inside the house, me reluctant to dress again and she sat a moment and I stood before her kind of offered my cock to her. She placed her hands on my hips and looked up at my and smiled. Very tempting she said but you should probably dress now. She stood and patted my ass as we exchanged a deep hug with my erection pressed between us.
Slowly I dressed and finally I left.
It was an amazing and sexually tense afternoon Ill not forget.

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RE:CFNM in Public

What happened when you came back for the job?

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RE:CFNM in Public

Strangely my best CFNM experience was when I had a small procedure on my scrotum! Id been told to shave beforehand so I was freshly smooth and feeling very sensitive. The procedure was carried out by a male doctor with just a mild local anaesthetic but he was accompanied by a female nurse who chatted to me the whole time to keep my me at ease. Anyway all went very well and I couldnt really feel anything until the doctor started to stitch the wound. At that point I became really aware that I was fully exposed and looked down to see that I had a semi growing! It was very embarrassing but the situation turned me on and I just got harder and harder. The nurse could see my shame and just said dont worry everything is obviously working down there! Once theyd finished I got up but to add to my embarrassment the gown got caught on my boner which was left poking out!

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RE:CFNM in Public

Several years ago I spent many afternoons on a nude beach north of Santa Barbara. It was adjacent to a clothed beach and used the same parking and access walkway. I was on a long nude walk one day at least 1/4 mile from my clothes or a towel - completely naked and exposed. Two middle aged ladies came walking the other way - so I had to decide what to do - turn and go back to my stuff or just let things swing! I kept walking and passed them within about 10 feet away. I made eye contact, they smiled and just kept walking. I passed them again on the return walk and we all greeted each other with a hello and mutual smiles. Fortunately, I didnt get overly excited - although it was quite exillerating!

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RE:CFNM in Public

My experience with CFNM is with my neighbor. It started last summer when I was getting more curious about nudism and I was naked around the apartment often. I had a long shirt on this colder morning and went in the hall to get my mail. During the week, I'm usually the only one home since I'm a stay at home dad and most are at work. When I came back to my apartment, she was leaving her house. She is directly across from me in the hallway and we share the first floor together and our porches are also next to each other. She was a little confused at first because she wasn't sure if I had anything on underneath my shirt and as we stood there and talked, my shirt went up and to her surprise I wasn't wearing anything lol. She told me, I'm not wearing pants and I explained I'm a nudist and I find it more comfortable this way. She invited me inside because she didn't want me to get seen (I guess) so we could talk more. I explained I started exploring naturism and I just like being naked. She seemed to be very comfortable with it. She's a retired vet, about in her 60s and lives alone so very mature about the situation. After a nice chat and many glances and smiles, she assured me that this will be our little secret.

I've been wearing a robe outside if we run into each other or else I'm completely naked now if I go over. I recently put together a massage chair for her and she let me be the first to try it. It definitely vibrates on all the right areas and it left me with quite a stiff one.. I went to fetch my robe on my way out but she insisted that I didn't need it because it's nothing she hasn't seen before. Now I always get a little excited to help her out around the house.

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RE:CFNM in Public

easiest way to accomplish this is go to a nude beach , the textile gawkers are more women than men , at the beach I favor the textiles pass for textiles beach area s to reach the nude beach with limited parking. many set up on the boardwalk with cameras and binoculars but many walk the shoreline looking at you naked . and yes they look because if they weren't interested they would have stopped at the first four parking areas with more parking spaces.

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RE:CFNM in Public

I have been naked for fully dressed women many times at parties and at a clothing optional park in TX called Hippy Hallow. I loved the attention and just standing naked talking with a group of ladies looking at my naked body as so fun. they would keep the conversation going so they could keep looing. I would let them pose with me for pictures if the wanted. I would get hard at times and they were always happy to see that too.

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RE:CFNM in Public

A few years ago I was trying on swim trunks in a dressing room in a local department store. The lady that worked that department, (late 40's and gorgeous), happened to open the door w the broken lock I was in to see if anything was left in the room. She apologized when she saw me standing nude with the trunks in my hand, but lingered a moment while taking the moment in.
As she seemed perfectly fine to see me barefoot naked, I thought why not see how comfortable she is. As she stood in the door, I asked if they had the trunks in another color. She had NO problem with telling me to just stay there and she would retrieve a different Color. She returned in moments with a lighter color, handed them to me (still nude), and said "try these" she stood in the door and watched me try them on. I asked her opinion on that pair and after a moment of thought, to she said "show me the other ones.
I took those off, and put the others on. She thought a moment, and simply said" it was more interesting when didn't have either on. I agreed readily and took those off. She stood in the doorway, and chatted with me for about 5 minutes while I stood there barefoot naked. The fitting room door was far out of sight of anyone so it was a safe chat. As I stood talking to her, I naturally started to get a little excited, and she had NO problem at all standing there.
She went back to work and a bought both pairs of trunks. By far, that had to be the most exhilarating and erotic encounter ever. I still get excited when I think about that day.

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RE:CFNM in Public

I was relaxing nude by a pond at a nude campground one day. I was half asleep under a tree. I kept hearing this banging sound of a hammer against metal. I looked around but didn't see anything. It would bang 10 times then stop for a few minutes then start again. My curiosity got the best of me so I took a walk to find the source. Eventually I came across this woman in her 60's having a problem with the door to her camper. I introduced myself and offered to give her a hand. I was able to readjust the lock enough that it would latch when closed. When done, we started talking about her cross country trip. As she talked, it dawned on me that I was totally nude, not even shoes, and she was completely dressed. I could tell her eyes kept wondering up and down my nude body. We spoke for 20 minutes while I had this euphoric sensation running thru my body from being totally exposed to this complete stranger

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RE:CFNM in Public

I was relaxing nude by a pond at a nude campground one day. I was half asleep under a tree. I kept hearing this banging sound of a hammer against metal. I looked around but didn't see anything. It would bang 10 times then stop for a few minutes then start again. My curiosity got the best of me so I took a walk to find the source. Eventually I came across this woman in her 60's having a problem with the door to her camper. I introduced myself and offered to give her a hand. I was able to readjust the lock enough that it would latch when closed. When done, we started talking about her cross country trip. As she talked, it dawned on me that I was totally nude, not even shoes, and she was completely dressed. I could tell her eyes kept wondering up and down my nude body. We spoke for 20 minutes while I had this euphoric sensation running thru my body from being totally exposed to this complete stranger

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