Sex at Nude Events in UK

Number of times hear British Nudists claim on TV and Radio interviews that no sex happens at their events, must be totally naive or liars!
Nude Fest, Bare Camp what ever you call them once party night comes around and drink is following number of guys who move further down Kinsey scale more to gay end, happy to play and get a blow job and more is unbelievable. Can't be getting much at home and prefer somebody that knows how to handle a cock . If they used body paint and need hand removing it hands all over the shop same as if having a massage. We all human why not admit we all enjoy close male bonding and stop all were British no sex nonsense lol

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RE:Sex at Nude Events in UK

Number of times hear British Nudists claim on TV and Radio interviews that no sex happens at their events, must be totally naive or liars!Nude Fest, Bare Camp what ever you call them once party night comes around and drink is following number of guys who move further down Kinsey scale more to gay end, happy to play and get a blow job and more is unbelievable. Can't be getting much at home and prefer somebody that knows how to handle a cock . If they used body paint and need hand removing it hands all over the shop same as if having a massage. We all human why not admit we all enjoy close male bonding and stop all were British no sex nonsense lol

If they make the disclaimer in the advertising they cannot be accused as an organization of promoting an orgy on television or radio which is illegal (commercial law not criminal code) and which would come with really big financial penalties, large enough to cripple most organizations. If they don't the courts can (and have) inferred that it was implied. It's like the warning labels on shopping bags (do not wrap around head or give to children ) or lighters (burn risk) they arent necessary but without them there's a legal grey area that could lead to a prosecution that costs many times more than a bit of printing.

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RE:Sex at Nude Events in UK

Let me know and I will be there, naked and ready for fun!!!

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RE:Sex at Nude Events in UK

Like everyone else nudists enjoy sex. The important issue is not to confuse nudity with sex.

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