RE:Total Exposure

I was not raised nudist but we lived on a farm and my brother, cousins, and I would get naked a lot when we could get away with it. We almost always swam naked in the ponds and creeks. Now that I'm grown I like to be naked anywhere and anytime I can. Very much the exhibitionist. My nude photos are all over the internet and I really don't care. After I retired from teaching some of my students found my naked pics and contacted me. Very strange!!

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RE:Total Exposure

I was in a nude household from age 7. I always found a way and a time to be nude as I grew up and went to college. it seemed strange to other people years and years ago to ask them to photograph me nude but I also learned how to do the old time version of a selfie (a Polaroid camera with a self-timer). I had one perfect photo of me that a girlfriend took of me, nude, on my back, with a full erection, that she submitted to Playgirl magazine (anybody remember that?). It was accepted but I chickened out and didn't sign the authorization since I had a rather public job at the time. I used that photo as my profile photo for awhile and then found out that other men, from various places were using my photo on their profiles. Kind of flattering, kind of made me pissed. Now, in the past few years, I ask most of my sex partners to take pics or vids of me/us nude or having sex and those pics show up everywhere. Makes no difference to me now. I love being nude, I love being nude for and with other people and truly get turned on seeing myself nude on the internet.

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RE:Total Exposure

I had my first nude photo taken MANY years ago and it still shows up on the internet occasionally.

Thats great, man! Wish I went around nude with buds at that age too.

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RE:Total Exposure

I had my first nude photo taken MANY years ago and it still shows up on the internet occasionally.

That is a great pic. Loved to have been so free and naked that young.

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RE:Total Exposure


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RE:Total Exposure

I always posted naked pics and I am sure they are over the internet. Even found some on other sites. Like to have my naked body exposed for others to see and hopefully enjoy while they beat off. Chris.

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RE:Total Exposure

J'ai suivi le mme chemin que toi

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RE:Total Exposure

I love being photographed nude and having them posted all over the internet. All my pics here and on other sites are set so they can be downloaded and I encourage people to download them and share them. I even go as far as posting signs that say "Please take pictures of me nude" at the beach. Love it when I see them online. The more people that see me nude, the happier I am.

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RE:Total Exposure

I can see that you're not shy

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RE:Total Exposure

I love being photographed nude and having them posted all over the internet. All my pics here and on other sites are set so they can be downloaded and I encourage people to download them and share them. I even go as far as posting signs that say "Please take pictures of me nude" at the beach. Love it when I see them online. The more people that see me nude, the happier I am.

YES!! I am the exact same way. All my pics are free to save, share and even repost elsewhere. I not only dont mind, I encourage it!! Love being naked on the Internet.

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