RE:If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

Circumcision is a big deal in Judaism.
And God said unto Abraham: 'And as for thee, thou shalt keep My covenant, thou, and thy seed after thee throughout their generations. This is My covenant ... every male among you shall be circumcised. And ye shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of a covenant betwixt Me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every male throughout your generations ... And the uncircumcised male who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that should shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken My covenant.

So, to answer your question. Yes...yes I would.

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RE:If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

CUT! Period!

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RE:If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

I left my two younger son's uncut. I find playing with my foreskin very pleasurable and I also use it to hold CBD which then is absorbed. I have many foreskin pictures if anyone wants to see it and what I do with it. [email protected] --- also when masterbating one does not need oil -- the skin just rides along nicely. and a funny reason. If you are desperate for a pee and have to hold it -- just squeeze down on the foreskin and nothing leaks. That gives time to get to the loo in time

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RE:If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut


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RE:If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

My boys are both cut. My nephew is uncut and had to get cut as he got older

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RE: would you get a son uncut

I most strongly recommend that everyone read the book : Sex As Nature Intended It' by Kristen O'Hara
she makes the case that circumcision is wrong wrong wrong
it is painful beyond words for the baby boy
it has lasting trauma
it cuts off a part of the body which has amazing nerves designed for pleasure

if a grown man wants to get cut, for whatever reason, that's up to him. But a baby boy ought not to have his genitals mutilated

I am circumcised and never gave it a 2nd thought, for 72 years. Then I read the above-mentioned book. I was convinced immediately that circumcision is a form of 'blood sacrfice' which is contrary to the New Covenant : for Christians, the handwriting of ordinances of blood sacrifices is done away with.

the book is very well written. An important aspect of circumcision, is : how it feels to the woman.
the book also talks about foreskin Reconstruction. As late in the game as it is, for me, I'm doing it

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RE:If you were going to have a son would you get him cut or uncut

You are right. Foreskin is best. Like to hold my pee too and like a full wet foreskin. Great you left their foreskin. Chris.

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